Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015


   Jessica Everson has been a fashionable girl since she was a teenager. To find various fadhionable clothes, she went to Singapore for a five day shopping trip a month ago. She went there with her sister Emma. They took a morning flight on 11th February 2012 by Garuda. They stayed with their relatives there.
   Unfortunately, the weather was very hot. The temperature of the day ran up as high as 37 degree celcius. It was really such horrible weather. Emma couldn't stand it, so she become sick. Jessica took her to the hospital. The doctor gave her to drink plenty of water. Jessica couldn't do her shopping in Singapore because she had to take care of her sister. She felt disappointed, but she didn't want something bad happen to her sister. So, she decided to take her back to Jakarta.

Translate : 

   Jessica Everson telah menjadi gadis modis sejak ia masih remaja. Untuk menemukan berbagai pakaian fashionable, dia pergi ke Singapura untuk berbelanja selama lima hari pada sebulan yang lalu. Dia pergi ke sana bersama adiknya Emma. Mereka mengambil penerbangan pagi dengan Garuda 11 februari 2012. Mereka tinggal dengan kerabat mereka di sana.
   Sayangnya, cuaca sangat panas. Temperatur disana naik menjadi 37 derajat celcius. Itu benar-benar cuaca yang mengerikan. Emma tidak tahan, sehingga dia jatuh sakit. Jessica membawanya ke rumah sakit. Dokter memberinya banyak air. Jessica tidak bisa melakukan aktivitas berbelanjanya di Singapura karena dia harus mengurus adiknya. Dia merasa kecewa, tapi dia tidak ingin sesuatu yang buruk terjadi pada adiknya. Jadi, dia memutuskan untuk membawanya kembali ke Jakarta.

*Questions : 

1. What did Jessica and Emma go to Singapore for?
a. Seeing a doctor
b. Visiting their relatives
c. Shopping
d. Buying medicine

2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. Jessica and her sister left for Singapore
b. Jessica and her sister had shopping activities
c. Emma got sick because she was very tired
d. Jessica couldn't do shopping because of her sick sister

3. What did the doctor tell Emma to do to get well?
a. Cancel her shopping
b. Go back to Jakarta soon
c. Drink a lot of water
d. Stay at her room

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Perayaan kemerdekaan di SMP DEK

Hari rabu minggu lalu (19 agustus 2015) SMP DEK ngadain perayaan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke 70 ! Tapi sebelum lomba, kita belajar dulu dari jam pelajaran pertama-ketiga (sampai set10) abistu istirahat baru dah mulai lomba"nya

Nah lomba"nya tu banyak, ga banyak amat tapi lumayanlaa, lomba"nya antara lain : 
- goyang jigo
- futsal pake sarung
- balap karung+kelereng+estafet+masukin pena ke dalam botol
- pecah balon
- foto berhubungan ttg kemerdekaan indonesia
- bikin video tentang pembacaan teks proklamasi (semirip-miripnya)

Dimulai pertama kali goyang jigo, nah kita disuruh goyang tuh dari kelas 1-3 hahaha tapi pada banyak yang malu jadinya goyangnya ga selesai" trus gatau kelanjutannya gimana kayaknya bakal diulang lagi lomba goyang jigo nya. Trus ada lomba futsal sarung, disini cowo"nya pake sarung trus sambil main futsal kan tapi kalo musiknya diputer, mereka disuruh goyang hahaha tp kalo udh mati musiknya barudeh mulai lagi tanding futsalnya. 

Abis lomba futsal sm goyang jigo, kita istirahat bentar abistu baru mulai lomba lainnya. Lomba balap karung+kelereng+estafet+masukin pena ke dlm botol ini digabung gitu permainannya tp orang yang main beda" jadinya asik gitula kalo diliat haha :v tapi ga murid"nya aja yang ikut malah guru"nya juga ikut lomba jadinya kan makin seru hahaha. Oke, lomba pecah balon ini ceritanya yang ikut lombanya matanya ditutup trus jalan sambil ada yang kasih instruksi buat pecahin balonnya. Nah yang terakhir foto sm video ini sebelum lomba diatas udah dikirim foto sm videonya ke pembina osis buat diliatin jadinya ga dilombain secara langsung hehe

segitu dulula ceritanya, kalo soal pemenang" lomba diatas wah gataunih siapa, lupa soalnya maafkan wkwk 😂 ok byee! 

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

2. homework (DEK JHS)

A. Accompany 
     (+) she is accompanying me to the market in this moment
     (-)  she isn't accompanying me to the market in this moment
     (?)  is she accompanying me to the market in this moment? 

B. declare
     (+) they are declaring that their office break for a while 
     (-)  they aren't declaring that their office break for a while
     (?) are they declaring that their office break for a while?

C. Praise 
      (+) i'm praising my friend because she's look pretty now
      (-)  i'm not praising my friend because she's look pretty now
      (?) am i praising my friend because she's look pretty now? 

D. Complain
      (+) we are complaining about our work that don't get holiday at this moment
      (-)  we aren't complaining about our work that don't get holiday at this moment
      (?) are we complaining about our work that don't get holiday at this moment?

E. Effect 
      (+) he is effecting all of the people right now
      (-)  he isn't effecting all of the people right now
      (?) is he effecting all of the people right now? 


1. E.Prof homework (DEK JHS)

    Hi everybody! Let me introduce my self. My name is sabrina febriani but you can call me febi. I was born in padang on 18 of february 2001. I'm 14 years old. I live in padang. Now i study at DEK junior high school grade 9. And my friends at my school are very nice :) 
    My hobbies are listening music,singing and playing piano beacuse all that make me happy. Btw i have a mom and dad. My mom is a civil servant (Pegawai negri sipil) and my dad is businessman. I also have one sister, she's kind and smart :). My fav food is fried chicken and my fav drink is water haha. 

It's just that i can say. Thanks for reading guys :)